brew tap wiztools/repo
To install, say xsd-gen, you would do:
brew install xsd-gen
For a complete list of formulas and casks available, visit the repository:
brew tap wiztools/repo
brew install xsd-gen
Version 1.1.0 of anyurlhttpserver is available now: This version introduces -C parameter to support CORS headers.
The flagship OpenSource project from has a shiny new release. This release boasts of multiple features like GET with body, better support for ignoring SSL certificate warnings like expired certificate, and custom HTTP methods. Also, as part of our continuous improvement plan, we also moved the build to Gradle. Enjoy our new offering:
A couple of weeks back, when I started working in a Node.js project, I had to use a cli-parsing library for my requirement. On searching, I was repeatedly directed towards commander.js. It looked powerful and seemed to satisfy our need. But as I started using it, I found it sucking my time. Bad, and wrong documentation. No support. And overall, badly designed and executed. Every option that I tried, always ended up in opening issues, asking for help in SO.
I decided to put a stop to this mediocrity. Node deserves better. And today, I am happy to announce the better option from, the wiz-cliparse library:
Happy to announce the availability of v0.4.2 of commons-lib. Note that the artifact id and group id of the project has changed:
This release fixes a error in ZipUtil.unzip() that was not failing on corrupt zip files.
wiztools-commons-lib, the library holding collection of commonly used convenience classes and data-structures for Java has a new home at GitHub.
The popular book on PHP OOP is now updated for PHP v5.6. New buyers will get the updated version of the book. I am working with Amazon to push the new version of the book to existing owners. Push notification should be received by existing owners after that.
Happy to announce the release of 3.5 version of RESTClient. This version boasts of various minor bug fixes, improvements in multipart body requests, and internal code reorganization to support new persistence formats. Complete Release Notes available at the usual location.
Happy to announce the release of 0.3.2 of StaGen, the static site generator written in Java 8. StaGen supports Markdown for content and StringTemplate 4 for templating. This version boasts of builds in .tgz and .zip with executable shell-script and Windows batch script stagen. Download the release from GitHub. To install, extract the compressed distribution and add to PATH the bin directory. Fire StaGen from command line:
$ stagen -h
The latest version of RESTClient has support for selecting the type of multipart body that is sent with the request. Certain web API endpoints were not supporting the default RESTClient mode of multipart messages, while a simple curl request succeeded. To support these websites, RESTClient now supports specifying the mode of multipart body type.
Quick links:
Happy to announce the immediate availability of RESTClient 3.4.1 for download and purchase. This is a minor release that fixes a UI rendering bug in Mac, supports UI scaling in high-resolution display devices among other bug fixes and enhancements. Read the release notes here.
JSON validator is a command-line tool for validating/formatting JSON files. The tool is inspired by the cli options of the ever popular xmllint tool.
A minor update to the static site generator from is released. This fixes a bug that was not detecting changes in sub-folders when executing run command.
Wiz WebServer, the web server project has a tumulus history. It all started with the need for me to quickly test JavaScript and minor Ajax scripts. I quickly forked the Java Mini Web Server Project, to create Wiz WebServer. It was pretty heavily used by me and my team for development purposes. But maintaining this code base did not seem to be a good idea, especially when we have such excellent alternatives like Jetty. So, today, with heavy-heart, I scrapped the HTTPD code base of Wiz WebServer, and changed the engine to Jetty. The new release, 0.4.0 version, may be downloaded from:
This release focuses on two important features:
Download, release notes and purchase links available at GitHub.
Happy to announce the second edition of RESTClient book:
The book will be available for free from May 19 to May 23 in Kindle store (PST time). The 3.4 version of RESTClient covered in this book is scheduled for release on 25th May.
I am working on updating the RESTClient book. And this is how I work:
The first public release of StaGen, the static site generator powering, is now available.
Maintaining websites is a hard task. The last version of was maintained using RapidWeaver. In the quest to design a good looking site, I had sacrificed the joy of working with text. While working on recent updates to the site, RapidWeaver brought back nightmares of using MS Word five years back—just a minor text formatting that I could do in less than a second in Markdown was taking minutes of workaround in RapidWeaver.
Then I started researching the best tool for maintaining my site using just text. I just wanted to fire up BBEdit and be productive. Jekyll sounded attractive. But is written in Ruby—I did not want to invest time in hacking this. JBake is in Java, but seemed bulky and used Freemarker templates. I had been sold out to StringTemplate couple of years back, and did not want to maintain my site in Freemarker.
Based on these parameters, I finally decided to write my own static site generator—specific for my needs of maintaining a tiny site like And thus was born StaGen. Right now, there is no public release of StaGen (it was just written last night!)—but it already is powering home page as of now.
There is a cost associated with OpenSource development. The cost I pay to maintain the domain, the hosting cost, and most importantly, the time I spend coding and fixing things up. Recently, I have been thinking of how to offset this cost of OpenSource development. One arena I was thinking was of making available my builds via App Stores. This gives the end-users the value add of having a certified build, automatically updated to the latest version. I believe, a person, like me, wouldn’t mind paying a small amount for this additional value add, and would provide a source of income for the OpenSource project. Thus started my experiment.
I selected my most popular OpenSource project for this experiment: RESTClient. I began the effort. My initial estimate was for one week after reading this blog. And one fine Monday, couple of weeks back, I began the work. As I progressed, I understood the enormity of the task I had undertaken. From building OpenJDK, to scouring Apple documentation (excellent BTW) written for Xcode development—translating to the Java counterpart, complying to Apple sandbox. I understood that I had jumped into something enormous.
During mid-week, I discovered that making RESTClient compliant to Apple sandbox restrictions is near to impossible due to two reasons:
Based on these developments, I changed my course of plan:
I wanted a store-front to sell my RESTClient binaries. The effort setting up the store and maintenance of it should be minimal. For the customers, it should be simple effort to purchase and download. The only store I explored was FastSpring. I got hooked to its simple interface, and created my product page. This experiment is now ongoing—I am trying to figure out how many people would really pay for a software that is easily available for download as OpenSource.
This is a tool I wrote long back, and used exhaustively for a project, and then forgot about it. I did not even do a public release of the tool. When migrating Google Code projects to GitHub, I noticed this project. Today, I invested some time and cleaned the code and made a release. Get it from:
The unix bc tool developed in Java. Download release 1.0 from GitHub.
All newer releases of desktop tools published by will require Java 7. This is a evolutionary step we are taking to benefit from newer constructs introduced in this version of Java.