Thursday, September 18, 2008

RESTClient 2.2 Released

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of RESTClient
version 2.2:

Two prominent feature additions from version 2.1 are:

  1. Syntax highlight support
  2. SSL support

The complete changelog is available here:

New features and bugs can be reported here:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kudos for RESTClient from Ian Dickinson of HP Labs

Ian Dickinson of HP Labs has commented on RESTClient in his blog. The title of the post is "RESTful service client-side testing tool", and he ends the post with: ... kudos to the developers. Thanks Ian :-)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Text Encoding Util

New project has been published: Text Encoding Util. This is a command line utility to convert text files between encoding types, and a testing tool to check if a text file supports the charset specified by a particular encoding. Minum requirement is Java 5. This code is available under public domain.

Friday, April 4, 2008 RESTClient 2.1 Released RESTClient is a Java tool for testing RESTful web services. It features:
  • Support for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE HTTP methods.
  • Custom HTTP headers might be sent as part of the request.
  • BASIC and DIGEST authentication methods are supported.
  • For POST and PUT requests, body content can be attached.
  • Requests can be saved for later playback.
  • Has Groovy embedded. Test scripts for each request can be developed separately. A tutorial for developing test scripts is available.

2.1 release features various bug fixes and feature enhancements. Thanks to the REST-Discuss community members who contributed feature requests and bug reports for this release.

New features and bug fixes can be requested from:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"RESTClient is great!"

From Avi Flax of USA with the subject "RESTClient is great!":

...I just stumbled across your request for suggestions at
rest-discuss, and having never heard about RESTClient before, I was
thrilled to download it and try it out. It's excellent! I'm very
excited to use it - we build and use many different RESTful web apps
here, and we all use cURL every day. I'm going to tell the whole team
about it, and I'm sure they'll be excited as well. RESTClient is going
to be very very useful for us, thank you! I'm looking forward to
using it, and perhaps helping out with it here and there. I've
followed your suggestion and submitted some feature requests -
thirteen, actually. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the tool